How to Meal Prep for An RV Trip

How to Meal Prep for An RV Trip

Whether you're renting an RV or you own an RV, you definitely want to enjoy the benefit of being able to prepare meals on your road trip. Being able to bring food in an RV is one of the biggest advantages of traveling this way. You can have meals and snacks readily available, which is great if you have kids or don't want to make a lot of stops along the way. Having food planned out for your RV trip can also help save money. Now, depending on the place you are traveling to, you might get to pack different kinds of food. Especially if you are going out-of-country to an exotic location like Iceland, then tasting the local delicacies should be something to consider. If you read up on the best time of year to visit Iceland, you should also be able to figure out what foods you can try out or prep for during the trip.…continue reading →
Snack ideas for the road trip

Snack ideas for the road trip

Road trips usually mean long drives in the car confined to a small area, limited to gas station nourishment and nearly no chance to stretch your achy muscles. Long car rides or solo road trips don't have to be miserable and there are several ways you can actually make healthy choices while on the road. The very first item of business before hitting the road will be to make sure you car is up for the challenge. Check out the maintenance list available at Cars.com to ensure you've taken care of all the important aspects of your car's operational capacity. Once your car is ready to hit the open road, consider how you plan on fueling your own engine while driving. Sure, the allure of colorful rainbow of wildly unhealthy gas station food items is hard to resist. But, resist you must. You can avoid such temptations by hitting your neighborhood grocery store before your departure date to load up on healthier options like granola bars, trail mix, fruit and vegetables. Not only are these healthier snack choices for which your waistline will thank you, but they also will keep you feeling satisfied longer since they pack way more protein and fiber than your average bag of gas station cheese curls.…continue reading →
4 Benefits of Eating a Clean Diet

4 Benefits of Eating a Clean Diet

You may have heard of people referring to what is known as a clean diet in recent years.  If you’ve found yourself scratching your head over exactly what this means, then it’s important to get educated.  Not only is it proven to be one of the best ways to eat for the benefit of your health, but there is no shortage of flavor.continue reading →
4 Simple Changes For a Healthier Diet

4 Simple Changes For a Healthier Diet

Many people know that they would like to have a healthier diet or can see room for improvement in their daily eating habits, however, they just aren’t sure they are ready to put in the work.  When they look at the big picture it can feel overwhelming to imagine how they are going to be able to make the changes necessary in order to make a lasting effect.continue reading →
5 Reasons You Need Cast Iron Cookware

5 Reasons You Need Cast Iron Cookware

Do you remember the last time you used cast iron cookware? Do you still have at least one cast iron pan hidden somewhere in your kitchen? If you do, do not throw it away! Contrary to its modern counterparts, cast iron cookware is still more versatile, durable and functional. Even though it's a thing of the past, cast iron cookware is better than pots and pans made of aluminum, stainless steel or Teflon. However, if you are still not convinced, let us present to you a few reasons why you should visit your grandma and ask to borrow her old-school cookware!…continue reading →